We offer money transfers and other additional services in more than 50 countries. In a number of countries we are directly represented by our network and partner companies, but mostly our service is available through the partners’ network.
INTELIEXPRESS is primarily presented by its network in Georgia (18 branches), Greece (20 branches), Italy (1 branch), England (3 branches in London).
Georgia: Apart from our own branches, our system is available in the country’s largest banks: Bank of Georgia, TBC Bank, Liberty Bank, Credo Bank, Tera Bank, Basisbank, Silk Road Bank, Cartu Bank. We are also available in the online wallet – eMoney. Additionally, we are presented in micro-finance organizations’ networks: Crystal, Express loan, etc. Such a large list of partners and branches gives us the advantage to fully cover the territory of Georgia.
In Greece, we offer full service across our branches and partners (agents) network. In our service centers there are available money transfers, utility payments, currency exchanges, and additional services of our partner companies:
INTEL phone – calls to Georgia with Georgian prices, Inex Group – Parcels to Georgia, InexTV – Georgian and Russian TV channels.
In Italy we have one our branch in the city of Bari, and we are covering whole Italy by our partners: LCC, MOEX, ValutTrans, MoneyTrans and NEC. In England we have 3 branches in London
We have full coverage in countries like: Ukraine, Armenia, Moldova, Romania, Israel, Philippines, Indonesia, Albania and plus more 50 countries